2017 - Izangoma
The iZangomas wish you a merry and blessed Christmas in the middle of your beloved ones, time to pause and time for the really important things in life, for the next year health and happiness. We'll be delighted if you also accompany us in 2018 and say until next year =0) On September 23, 2017, iZangoma Anandi passed her breeding examination at the DZRR (VDH / FCI) under jugde Petra Stracke in Aschaffenburg, Germany. She has earned the top grade "A" in all character tests, an excellent self-assurance and a very good level of leadership. more ... Hard to believe but true, my two Youngsters Anyango and Anandi are growing up! Mama Gaia doesn't think so, but mothers are like that, their children will always be their children ;-) more ... Coolio decided on the day just two months after the death of his brother Merlin also to enter his last big journey. He left our pack shortly after his 16th birthday. Born with me, fell asleep in my arms in the middle of his pack. I miss him terribly. Now the three wise men, Brix, Merlin and Coolio are reunited within less than a year. more ... My little tabby red wheaten livernose Merlin entered his last great journey. Shortly before his 16th birthday he left our pack. Born into my hands, fell asleep in my arms in the middle of his pack. We all mourn very much for him, his two brothers just like his ridge-bearing family members. more ... Today one year ago the iZangoma B-Litter was born. Baako Inaya, Bahani, Barika, Bashima, Bashiri, Batu, Bayango, Bintou Nala und Bomani Zumai, I wish you all the best for a long, healthy and happy life with your families. It is so nice to see how you develop and be loved by your people. more ... It took some time, but now I've managed it. Anandis photos of the last half year are online and can be found at A-Litter Blog. more ... We did the test. Ye Japha Gaia Xolani as well as her daughter iZangoma Anandi are both genotype N/N, clear (homozygous). That means they do not carry the mutation for the gene in their hereditary positions and are free from the Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy. more ... Another year has passed by and my beloved Gaia has birthday. She turns six years today and has developed into a calm, serene, confident Ridgeback lady. We are an experienced team, get on without words, I am so incredibly proud of her! more ...Merry Christmas
Anandi passed the breeding examination
The iZangoma A-Litter turns three years old
Farewell my Coolio
Farewell my Merlin
Happy Birthday iZangoma B-Litter
Photo Update Anandi
Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy
It's Gaias Birthday