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A visit to France - Hurricane & Gaia in Love

We visited Annekatrin, Christian & Roma Beck, their gorgeous DRAKENSBERG Hurricane and his mother IMKAHENA Duma-Dayimani at the beautiful Alsace in France. Hurricane & Gaia mated at the 29.02.2016 and 1.03.2016. If all goes well, the puppies will be born end of April / beginning of May 2016. In four weeks the ultrasound scan shows the result. It was such a nice time with the Beck family, thanks again for your hospitalaty, we felt very comfortable! Hurricane is a great impressive male, muscular with a strong head, very well proportioned and so charming, friendly and open minded! He thanked me with some wet kisses for bringing the nice girl over. I confess I enjoyed it!

Visit to France - Gaia & Hurricane in Love



Christine Ambrosi