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The B-Litter Has Birthday

The B-Litter Has Birthday

Happy Birthday Baako Inaya, Bahani, Barika, Bashima, Bashiri, Batu, Bayango, Bintu Nala und Bomani Zumai ♥ Today you are two years old and almost grown-up. I am glad that you are well and always grateful to hear from you. I wish you a lot of healthy and happy years together with your families. Congratulations also to your six siblings, who were not allowed to live their lives and to Grandma Diketi, Grandpa Denga and Greatgrandpa Drago. Beside the sadness of the loss of the six it is a nice thought, that they have been welcomed on their birthday by their ancestors and celebrated all together. I think of you ♥

Eintrag vom: 30.04.2018