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C-Litter Blog


Step by step

A lot has happened since the last blog post. It is only five days old, but four days ago little Mhambaias saw the light of day, walking works better and better, the dimensions of the whelping box are explored, the business is done away, if Mama Gaia is not fast enough or busy otherwise, and the Mhambaias discover playing for and especially with themselves. Yesterday they were two weeks old and all doubled their birth weight as it should be. They are still very chilled and the one or other yoga talent is among them. Oh and cuddling is very high in the course, they enjoy their caress units with soothing sounds, breeder mum on cloud nine!

C-Litter Photos

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Christine Ambrosi


Name: Bärbel Czylok
Guten Morgen, da sind sie - die nächsten Fotos von der süßen Bande. Hab viel Freude beim Anschauen und könnte mich gar nicht entscheiden, wenn ich eine abhaben wollte. Bin gespannt wie sie in echt wirken. Liebe Grüße und bis bald. Bärbel